Daughter Of Zion

Daughter of Zion arise. God has filled your heart with wisdom. To see through every wicked disguise. In your hands you hold the key. To open prison bars and be set free. You are strong and will ever be. A mighty warrior in God's army. Daughter of Zion. Comfort your heart. For from God's love. You will never depart. Fret not thyself about the cares of this world. For by faith you will speak. And put the devil under your feet. In running you will be swift. Because you are God's precious gift. And in hope you will know. Where HE leads you will go. In the sweet by and by. You will know the reasons why. What was done on the Cross. Was to save those who are lost. Daughter of Zion. May you pray with delight. Wheresoever you may go. You will shine very bright. Remember your worth. And the price that was paid. For goodness and mercy. Would be treasures He laid.