Salted You Must Be

 Take your eyes off the problem.

And look to the problem solver. 

For what stands against you.

 Is not greater that the One inside you.

When doubt and fear surround your heart.

 And your back is against the wall.

All you need to do is lift.

Your voice to God and call.

Why do you worry so...

 And fail to worship God?

 Don't you know He sees your need...

 And HE is your all sufficient Lord?

Take the time to stay awake.

 And take a leap of faith.

For then you'll see what lies ahead.


waiting at the gate.

Of friend indeed, please dry your tears.

Your knowledge has much years.

For there is so much work to do.

And you don't have a clue.

Let your light be ever flamed.

And salted you must be.

For in the vineyard the harvest is ripe.

So cast your nets with might.


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