
 It is a precious thing.

To have someone as wonderful as you.

And I wonder...

What did I do to deserve you?

You give so much.

Much more than I could ever ask.

Daddy I am who I am.

Because of you.

Lord I am blessed.

Because of who YOU have given to me.

Lord I am strong.

In all the different circumstance.

Lord I know I am loved in every way.

Because it was YOU.

Who made my father care.

Daddy I can understand.

The way you watch me as I grow.

And I thank you.

In ways I cannot explain 

You are the best.

By far above the rest.

Daddy I am who I am.

Only because of you.

I often think about.

The smiles you give me everyday.

The way you reach out.

And hold my hand along the way.

My words may not be new.

And maybe it might be few.

But from inside my heart.

I am grateful for you. 

Daddy I am who I am.

Only because of you.

Wherever my path may take me.

I know you are there with me.

Your presence fills my heart.

From the first step as I start.

I look to you for all.

Because you hear me when I call.

Daddy I am who I am.

Only because of you.


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