Ever Found

So many things we take for granted.

And we think that it's our right.

But what we fail to realize.

Is that God allows it so.

We laugh, we cry, we sleep, we rise.

Yet no one even knows.

That if the Lord holds back His hand.

On our own we cannot stand.

We think we own all that we have.

And say that it is mine.

But all that we possess on earth.

Is only for a time.

At times we shove the ones we love.

And think that it's okay.

But all the while the eyes of God.

Are watching what we do.

For every idle moment spent.

And words we shoot as darts.

An angel up in heaven writes.

To record what is not right.

We may think we know it all.

And fight our brothers down.

But one day when we look around.

They won't be ever found.


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