The Lord Will Pay

 Take the time to know your way.

For where you go, is where you might stay.

If you don't pray and seek the Lord.

Your own steps will bring discord.

In all you do, please go to God.

For in HIS care, HE will be your Lord.

Let your choice be at HIS word.

So that your every word be heard.

Forget the past and press on in.

So that you are not in sin.

Let the salt within you say.

God is with you all the way.

Know today that what you do.

Would reflect on the Master's cue.

Do not let the cares of life.

Cause the Bridegroom to divorce HIS Wife.

At times it hurts when others eat.

When on your plate there is no meat.

But yet awhile and you will see.

That on God's table the food is free.

On this journey that is your fare.

Know you might often shed a tear.

Yet as you rise and light the way.

All your bills the Lord will pay.


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