My Latter Will Be Greater

I screamed in the darkness, because of the pain... For deep down inside me, I felt I was going insane. The ache in my heart, coursed through each vein.. And nothing on my own, was like grass on the plain. You cut me into pieces and threw me in the trash... With help from the robber, who covered me with rash. My friends were my enemies and joy came no more.. And silence wept beside me, as I ached to my core. You thought the urge to shatter, might captivate my mind... For my shelter in the wilderness, were twigs all intertwined. Though clothing were the sores, where worms laid their head.. My voice kept crying out, as I struggled on my bed. I came without a basket and someday I will go... But while there's breath inside me, surely I will grow. The fight of faith I carry and I am ever blessed.. For my latter will be greater and I will conquer every test.