While You Sleep, I Will Appear

 Bread and wine, I will always give...

To those who choose, to dine and live.

In My ark, there is prepared...

A fare so fine, it must be shared.

Without Me, you will be lost..

So take My hand, I have paid the cost.

If you choose, to be alone...

 Hungry wolves, will chew your bone.

I have cried, for you my love...

Like pouring rain, from high above.

There is much,

I have for you...

But you must keep me, as your dew.

It breaks my heart, to see you go..

To places, you should never know.

Your clock will stop, in just a day...

So call Me quickly and choose to pray.

Today is here, but tomorrow will come...

So rid your house, of all the scum.

While you sleep, I will appear...

For only those, within My care.


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