A Golden Chest

 In all my endeavours, I am aligned to the Lord...

For to do good, I must feast on my sword.

Your taste of cuisine, may differ from mine...

But in my pursuit of the King, I cannot be unkind.

All that I do, I am naked as a tree...

For the God who sees, has His eyes on me.

The sands of time, though falling by a speck..

Will soon be turned, even in my neglect.

As I walk, upon the road..

Upon my back, I carry a heavy load.

To love the unlovable and touch their heart...

Takes much more, than reading a chart.

I rise up each day, with an offering of praise...

To give my first fruits, to the One who was raised.

In giving Him my day, I know it is well..

For without Jesus first, I am doomed for hell.

On fields of grass, I often lay my head..

For in the presence of the Lord, I must make my bed.

As I store up my treasures, in a golden chest..

I know in my heart, I will find my rest.


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