Your Destiny Lies Up

 You are not alive today, by chance...

God has purposed and preordained you to be here.

Your life is a map and God is the compass, who will take you through every valley and up every high hill.

At times you might feel discouraged and disappointed.... but you are never alone.

You may be hungry, but you will never be starving.

You may be thirsty, but you will always have Living Water to drink.

Everything about your life, is centered in the mind and heart of the Most High God. 

You might say, God is never where I want Him.... but He will always be where you Need Him.

Your wants and your needs must be separated.

While you are breathing, there is hope for a brighter and better day in Jesus.

You are not alone.

The promises of God are Yea and Amen to you forever... but you must live in alignment to Him, so that there is the manifestation of His promises being fulfilled.

What you sow is what you will reap.

If you want love, then learn to give love.

If you want peace, then be a peacemaker.

If you want forgiveness, then learn to forgive others.

Jesus says... Come unto Me and I will give you rest.

Be steadfast and unmoved in the valley and learn to find grip, as you climb up..... because your destiny lies Up and not down.


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