I Am Not Liked By Many

 I am not liked, by many Oh Lord...

And the words often

spoken, sometimes pierce me like a sword.

I have chosen to serve you, all the days of my life...

So continue to shield me, as your beautiful wife.

To follow in your footsteps, makes me weary at times..

And I fail in my purpose, as I pay for my crimes.

Yet day after day, my help comes from You....

Though I struggle to rise up and look to you for my cue.

Lonely is my constant, while I tarry in the day..

But I lift my voice in worship, that Your presence, with me stay.

The times of great trials, draw me past the outer court...

And I lay in sweet surrender, for my life, the Cross had bought.

I enter into my closet and I travail, with birth pains...

Because of desperation, I am cleansed from all my stains.

I pray when Glory comes, I be worthy for a crown..

For softly and tenderly, I am free from every frown.


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