Like Me Or Not, That Is Your Choice

 Like me or not, that is your choice...

But to do God's will, I will always rejoice.

My life in this land, is to set a pace...

And help those in need, to run this race.

Like scattered showers, the wolves will come...

To steal and destroy and eradicate the dumb.

With arrows like swords, I might be pierced to bleed..

But with power and with might, God will sift you like weed.

Those who are chosen, will fight to the end..

For to win every battle, the heavens will rend.

You might spit in my face and push me down..

But I will arise, without making a sound.

Those who presume, to smear my good name...

Understand my friend, you will loose your fame.

For the Lord is the defender, of what is my right..

And one of these days, you will account for your bite.

Each day that I live, I will be put to the test...

For I choose to follow Jesus and give Him my best.

Who you choose to serve, will determine where you stay..

But as for me and my house, God will always make a way.


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