I Found Me... The Cost Of My Pain
Sometimes I make a mess.
Sometimes I fail.
Sometimes I am so frustrated with everything and everyone.
Sometimes I look down, instead of looking up.
Sometimes I am surrounded by people, who smile in front of my face.... but kick me down when my back is turned.
Sometimes I am used, at other people's convenience... because of what I can give or what I can do.
Sometimes I sit and ponder... about how my life turned out.
The dreams and the visions I had for myself, didn't all come true...
I have had dreams come true and I have had nightmares and migraine.
There have been times I cried and promised myself, to not walk a lonely road anymore...
The moments of doubt and despair and fear of the unknown, kept my heart burning and yearning.
But God... Oh But God...
It was in the midst of failures and pain and self pity, that I found Myself..
I found Me... The Proverbs 31 woman, in Christ Jesus.
I found Me... The Masterpiece.
I found Me... The Anointed Daughter.
Everything I ever hungered for, I found in the Lord.
If you have ever walked in my shoes, then you would know the cost of my pain.
But thank God for Jesus... because it was in Him, I found the Me, I was always meant to be.
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