For Your Way, You Will Pay

 Are you one, of the five who are wise...

Are your lamps all full and have no scales in your eyes?

When the Bridegroom cometh, will you be awake and alert...

Or will you be caught, lying dead in the dirt?

You might reject the voices, of those who are strong.

You might say, they are foolish and their words are so wrong.

In the choices you make, I pray you be well...

For if you do

not choose Jesus, you are on the way to hell.

Now is not the time, to run from your call..

For there are those, you need to help, not to fall.

Do not let your mind, dictate to your heart..

For on the judgment day, your chariot will be Pharoah's cart.

Though you may say, there is time for my way..

Understand my friend, for your way, you will pay.

Make sure your address, is stamped with the Lord..

For eternity calleth, so be ready to come aboard.


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