I Wil Humble My Stomach
I will humble my stomach, with fasting and prayer...
For I am the master and will not be scared.
The rumblings of hunger, must decrease in me..
For to feast in The Word, is my delight and key.
To draw near to God, I must gather great strength...
For the smell of cuisine, are broaden at length.
I present this dear body, as a sacrifice to God..
For withholding nothing, I am nourished through His cord.
Though weakened in body, yet strengthened each day..
I drink from His cup, when I worship and pray.
On days when the smell, of freshly baked bread...
Fill up my nostrils and I lay on my bed...
I look up to heaven and see with delight..
The angel of the Lord, as He honours my plight.
To do the Lord's will, I must get on the floor..
For to climb every mountain, on my knees I must roar.
Though wild oats and honey, must wait just a while...
I will partake of feasting, when I've walked every mile.
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