You Are Not Better Than Me

 The Word of the Lord, was written for all..

What is good for the goose, is good for the gander.

There is no separation between you and me, when the truth of what is written is manifested.

The bashing and the beating that is raged upon God's children must be stopped.

Don't you know that the eyes of the Lord are upon you?

Are you so blind, that you cannot see?

You speak self and flesh and manipulate others, to conform to your carnal ways... Then endeavour to correct and chastise those who obey.

Where is the glorification of the Most High God, in your pursuit of self? 

You are not better than me. I am not better than you. We must all strive for excellence in the Kingdom of God. 

Do not allow anyone to take you back to Egypt. Do not allow anyone to manipulate your mind and coerce you to be a dog going back to its own vomit.

Be careful who you listen to. Be careful in the company you keep. Take and be receptive to what is of God for your life and let everything else fall to the ground... and go back to whence it came.

Let God be truth and every man a liar.


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