You Told Your Left Hand What Your Right Hand Had Done

 I never told you, to abuse my seed..

To feed them with vinegar, or wrap them with weed.

I never gave you, the authority to beat...

Or be like Hades and burn them with heat.

You took upon yourself, to scatter My sheep..

To exile them in the wilderness, and sift them like wheat.

I commanded you to love and teach them, in peace.

For those in your care, must always be at ease.

You told your left hand, what your right hand had done.

And thought with great pride, you had already won.

Little did you know, My eyes were on you.

And when you stand before Me, you will get your due.

You chose to disobey, all I told you to do..

To labour in the vineyard and bring in more than just a few.

Not once did I say, you should get any praise...

For you deserve nothing, for your unsalted ways.

The laws that I gave, on two tablets of stone...

Were written with My finger and should chill you to the bone.

I told you to love and have compassion for all..

Yet as a relative of Haman, your pride goeth before your fall.


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