Be Wise As A Serpent

 Your enemy the devil, will sift you like wheat...

With lies and deception and the words that you eat.

He will bring upon your back, every weight of the world..

So wise up my brethren, like the Prophets of old.

If you open the door, to anger and hate...

Then demons will rush in and break down every gate.

Let your heart become blind, to the works of the flesh...

So the forces of evil, will fall through God's wire mesh.

Do not be caught naked and exposed

to the fox..

For without any warning, he will put you in a box.

Clothed yourself with the armour, of the Lord Most High...

And do not compromise, for in chains, you will cry.

If you think you are strong, on there on your own...

You are still breastfeeding and will be chewed to the bone.

Be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove...

And trust the Lord to shield you and protect you with His love.


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