Lord Of The Harvest

Father I pray, for the right words to say.. Words to convict and words to convey. As you pour into me, I will pour into others. So the continuous gospel, will spread like wild flowers. Lord of the harvest, I give myself to you.. Use me as a vessel, to bring in more than just a few. Your sons and your daughters, are in need of a friend.. So hasten your footsteps, with love till the end. Time after time, there is need for a push.. For the glory will come, for those in the bush. While we all tarry, we will bend to your will.. As we feast from your table, so we can be filled. One day at a time, in toil and in prayer.. I will seek out yonder, for those in your care. The cloud by day and the fire by night.. May they ever shadow, and preserve with might. Heavenly Father, lend me your ear.. Help me to treasure, what you hold dear. You are everything and everything is you.. So be my companion and forever be my pew.