A Proverbs 31 Woman

 Rise up my sisters, for you are blessed..

A Proverbs 31 woman, far above the rest.

Your life and your purpose, will be filled with grace.

Wherever you go, you will win each race.

In sorrow you may plant, but in joy you will reap.

For favour will clothe you and blessings you will keep.

Havoc may surround you, with snow covered frost.

But mercy will find you, though you may be lost.

Days upon days, the quiet may

seem stuck..

While compression and danger, are as hard as a rock.

Know in your heart, the sun will always shine..

And a table is prepared, for you to sit and dine.

Daughters of the Lord, may your life be preserved..

Drink and be quenched, as on platters you are served.

Abundantly blessed, you will always be..

So come hither shelter, for they are made free.

Visions upon tables, are written in gold..

So wisdom and knowledge, will fill up your bowl.

The sound of your voice, will roar with great might..

For the sword of the Lord, will be your defense in fight.

An angel will come, to seat you with grace..

To pour in your spirit, the finest of lace.

From the rising of the sun, till the end of the day..

The Lamb on the throne, will hear you when you pray.


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