While The Christians Are Asleep

 My lamp is ablaze and overflowing with oil..

For the Lord said clearly, to be wise as I toil.

I have separated myself, from those who are fools..

To be counted worthy and not be used like tools.

While deep in prayer, I was told by God..

Do not be a part, of what He is not a part of.

Though I am rejected, by those whom I loved..

I choose to follow, the Lord from above.

Like me or hate me, that is your choice..

But in everything I do, I will always rejoice.

My destiny was planned, before I was born..

So the Johnny come lately, will never reap my corn.

I am a prize and treasured by the Lord.

With heaven's own linen, that I can afford.

Refined and sanctified, to do what I must..

As a servant of the Lord and in Him I will trust.

In the lonely hours, while the Christians are asleep..

I will pray in faith, to be not sifted like wheat.

To run this race, I might crawl on the ground..

But the awakening of the sunshine, says I will always be found.


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