Your Blessings Will Be Multiplied
You may be taken up, in the lips of talkers..
Kicked to the curb and followed by stalkers..
But the Lord of the harvest, will turn unto you..
To till you and fill you and make you like new.
The seeds of the past, that were sown in your life..
Will be destroyed, for the Blood was prescribed.
Your days will be sheltered and your nights will be warm..
For the pillars
around you, will withstand every storm.
Your blessings will be multiplied, while your enemy roam..
For your cattle will be fed and have a place to call home.
Your latter will be greater, than your past ever was..
So look to the Father, for like a bee He will buzz.
No substance will fail you, nor famine to cry..
No heart that is stony, or fear covered sigh.
A new heart within you, to walk with great stride..
For thus saith the Lord, every door will open wide.
Though sorrow may endure, for a time and a day..
Into the closet, you will weep as you pray.
Your residue and appointment, as a child of the King..
Will supercede the wailing, of your enemy's sting.
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