You Run To My Side

 Everything I need, is wrapped up in you.

The wind in my sail and the early morning dew.

You promised to never, leave me alone..

So heavenly Father, I surrender to my bone.

The air that I breathe, is my constant delight.

For you are the one, whose Yea is so bright.

When I need a friend, you run to my side..

With comfort and courage and arms open wide.

You speak

to the sun, to send me its shine..

So even in the valley, my strength would be kind.

When parched though my lips, seem cracked up and sore.

You send me your fountain, to knock on my door.

Frosted with cold, but my heart stays warm.

Withered and wrinkled, yet blooming with corn.

Abba, my Father, my friend to the end..

I will always love you and to you I will attend.

Far from the forest, where wild bears roam..

You are my shelter and protection and home.

Wherever I go, you have gone before..

To put things in order, so I could have much more.


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