A Grave With Your Name
Where will you go and what is the address? Are your bags all packed, or do you need more rest? Have you said your goodbyes and locked the front door? For death will come calling and you will be no more. You must decide, with your freewill choice..... Where your home will be and if you will rejoice. The bread on your plate, will not fill you for long. For supper is preparing, for those who turn from wrong. Do you know there's a grave, with your name carved in stone? And a box made of wood, to conceal every bone.... There are those who might cry and those who will not care. For from dust you were made and to dust you will bear. What you think is your own, will belong to someone else. And the treasures you hold dear, might get dust on a shelf. Naked you were brought and naked you shall go. And all you will carry, are the seeds that you sow. Think not in vain, you will Rest In Peace. For if you do not choose Jesus, then hell will be your beast. Before you close your eyes and depart fr...