Placement Of Pain

 There are some who think they know everything about me. Their perceptions and opinions are often shared among those with itching ears. 

Perhaps in their thought passageways, the depth of what they presume to be knowledgeable about, is real. Oftentimes they are unaware of the consequences of their actions.

Placement of pain, eludes those who are stringent in the midst of adversity. The ark of safety brings satisfaction to what they deem as being rejoicing. 

It is often said, that empty vessels make the most noise. The understanding of some may not be yours. It is important to know those who surrounds you. Those who lift you up. Those who strive to bring you healing, in the twinkling of your despair.

Do not allow yourself to be a partaker to other people's demise. God is going to hold you accountable for the choices you make. Come out from among them and be separate. In cautious prevail, let your light shine among those who choose to live in darkness. 


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