Hope In The Valley

 I cannot imagine, what God has prepared....

For my heart is too small and my mind is full of


I think to myself, that His arms are open wide....

To receive me in glory, with my soul by His side.

I read in His Word, about a crown made of gold....

For those who chose Him and not the prince of this world.

The Prophets of old, were Thus Saith The Lord.

To deliver the message, with an arrow and sword.

The blessing of freedom, to go before the King...

To pour out my heart, with words that I sing..

To hope in the valley, where adversity barks..

Beckons my core, as my gratitude sparks.

Lowly I am, in this sinful world...

Yet favour comes running, for my eyes to behold.

At the close of the day, I am His to command.

In all that I do, by faith I will stand.

Perhaps in the past, a prayer was lifted up...

To accompany my journey, as I drink from my cup.

Where once I was lost, I am lost no more....

For God sent His Son, to bring me to His door.


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