Wealth Brings Forth Friends

 The favour of the Lord, is as dew upon the grass..

Houses and riches, are not a fool's mass.

The words of the tattler, may break the heart of man..

All to reverse, for by prayer he will stand.

The slothful is wasted, for weary is his stay..

Where humility lies, he will see glory on his way.

Through desire of the wicked, his tongue seals his path..

For before every footprint, destruction makes a start.

Many are the idle, but few are the wise..

Brother against brother, are wolves in disguise.

The fool is not delighted and his heart bears no love..

For by lot he decreases and his hand wears no glove.

Many are the pleasures, of the rich and his home..

For wealth brings forth friends, where his enemies roam.

Seek for much wisdom, for your way to be clear..

For the gifts of the Father, is in his constant care.

Righteousness forsaken, will be weight upon your soul..

For your lack of understanding, will keep you from your goal.

Be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove..

For the crowning of your glory, must fit you like God's love.


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