Son Of Man, Hear Me Well

 Thus saith the Lord God..

I will not prolong, my words any more.

What I say I will do, that I will do..

For I am the Lord and I will make you like new.

I will speak and my words will build..

Like a vine in harvest, with fruits to be filled.

Walk in my statutes and obey my laws..

From day to day, as my eagles soar.

Son of man, hear me well..

Your house is filled, with words to tell.

Your eyes see not, nor ears they hear..

For rebellion pits, are what you wear.

In the midst, of your own doom..

I will cleanse and will make room.

For you shall flee, from waste and fear..

When you dig through, your well with care.

Thus I say, oh child of mine..

I am your feast, so come and dine.

Bring forth your worth and eat my bread..

For where I am, there you will wed.


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