Satan's Game

 Tricked by the devil, so vile and so mean..

You sold your soul, now you are unclean.

Befitting a pauper, with an empty chest..

In hell you will go, without any rest.

In eternal damnation, you forever will be..

For during your life, you could not see.

The wealth you craved, to dress your love..

Committed your senses, where there is no dove.

What you hungered and what you chose..

Are all the vanities, disguised to oppose.

The God of heaven, called you by name..

But in your haste, you played Satan's game.

Into captivity, where Pharoah dwells..

You will go, till your lungs, they swell.

You made your bed, now you must rest on it..

Don't you weep, as you enter hell's pit.


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