Pride Stepped In

 I heard in my heart, to shut my mouth..

I thought to myself, it was not a shout.

Pride stepped in and I made a poor choice..

So to the Lord I went, to kill the devil's rejoice.

At times in my walk, I stumble and fall..

But the ears of the Lord, are intuned to my call.

The bruises on my knees and the scars in my heart..

Kindles the fire,  that protects my part.

Sweet is the honeycomb, that falls upon my lips..

As the fragrance of splendor, brings grace to my hips.

In my imperfections, God takes my hand..

To lead me dearly, where HE wants me to stand.

I learn each day, to take up my cross.

In sunshine or rain, I know who is the boss.

In brokenness I seek, the treasure of heaven..

For therein my days, I could eat what I'm given.

I am not ashamed, or afraid anymore..

For the Blood of Jesus, came to my door.

Up I will rise and roar in my den..

To raise a Hallelujah,... for on Jesus I depend.


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