Be Still And Know That I Am God

 Be still and know, that I am God..

Listen with ears, that are attached to my cord.

Boast that in Me, you are strong as an ox..

To fight against evil and be sly as a fox.

Hear when I call you and obey my command..

For only in obedience, will you be able to stand.

Hold fast My hand and grab it by force..

For the enemy is raging and will take you off course.

Into My care, you will find favour and rest..

For the armies of heaven, will defend you at best.

Take up your cross and follow Me, everyday..

And know in your heart, I will hear you when you pray.

Your pathway will be clear, if you choose to follow Me..

Though vines will intertwine, to hinder you from being free.

If you choose the narrow road, I will meet you at the end..

And heaven will rejoice, for you have made Me your friend.

Struggles you may have, but I will give you strength..

I will shield you and preserve you, without any length.

I will feed you and equip you, till I call you home..

And when you lay your head, with Me you will roam.


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