When You Help Others, God Will Help You

 When you help others, God will help you. It is important to understand what the Scripture says and put it into practice. It is not how often you do something.... Rather it is the love and the thought and compassion that goes with it. 

So much of our blessings lie deep within the portals of our giving. The Bible says quite clearly, that it is more blessed to give than to receive. Our giving speaks louder than words can ever say. It magnifies, beyond measure, the depth of the desires of the Lord, running through our veins.

The act of compassion towards your brother or your sister, exemplifies the poetry of motion, that exudes love of Jesus, from you. Never let it be said, that you were not worthy of being your brother's keeper. The adage of Mercy is what births your heart and lavish untold favour upon you and the generations to come.

Favour, well thought of, means being a mentor and portrays the deep significance of who you are and who you will become, as a child of God. Your life becomes tangible as an asset to the Kingdom. Bibical precepts and principles would become your mold and portfolio. Lay aside every doubt and every fear, of who God created you to be.... And rise up and spread the love of Jesus to your neighbour.


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