This Mother's Womb

 As a parent, it is my responsibility, to cover my children in prayer.

It is not a game, to show my hand, on a board of truth or dare.

I send them out, protected and sealed.

In the name of Jesus, to be preserved and healed.

Like Job said once, perhaps they have sinned.

So I offer a sacrifice, everyday of my life.

I go to God, by faith, to say.

I have surrendered them all, and to show them the right way.

I speak the Word, and the promises said.

Upon my sons, and my daughters, to be led.

To season their words, with salt and declare.

That by God's grace, they will rise and not fear.

This mother's womb, brought forth new life.

To show the world, the love of a Wife.

To shine the light, of God's only Son.

So those who are lost, could finally be won.

My treasures of bearing, the chosen of the Lord.

Will show forth generations, where there is room and board.

To sit at a table, and dine with the King.

Is this mother's prayer, when

we will gather and sing.


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