On My Behalf

 You cannot take my place before God. 

You cannot worship Him on my behalf.

You cannot love Him the way I can.

You cannot represent Him for me.

I alone must do the best that I can, before the Lord.

I alone must decide if my praise and worship is worthy of the Most High God.

I alone can ask for forgiveness for my sins.

I alone must decide to bow before the King.

If you do it on my behalf, it is not the same.

My worship is MY WORSHIP.

I need to communicate my thoughts and heart to my God.

To invite HIM in, is my responsibility and my privilege.

One of these days I would have to stand before the Lord and give Him an account of my life.

No one can speak on my behalf.

I will stand alone.

I alone will know my fate on that faithful day.

As much as I am grateful for your help.... to encourage me and support me... there are things I need to do on my own.

Thank you for your season in my life.

I pray the Lord bless you in return, as you have been a blessing to me.

But I alone must choose,

to either serve the Lord or choose not too.


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