My Prayer

 Father, bless your children.

Keep them safe from harm.

Fill their hearts with wisdom.

To make them understand.

The devil does not like them.

His plan is to destroy.

To get them in his clutches.

And take them all to hell.

Father, keep your children.

Away from earthly lust.

Guide them on each pathway.

So they don't go astray.

Touch their mind and spirit.

And shelter them from storm.

I pray they be all strengthened.

To fight, though weak and worn.

Father, assign  your angels.

To guard your children well.

To let them know your mercy.

To them is your command.

Fill their cups with water.

That flows from freedom's well.

For in their time

of trials.

They might feather well.

Father, heal your children.

Of every pain and sore.

Declare your love and favour.

To knock on every door.

Travel through each mountain.

And take away their hurt.

Shower them with goodness.

To brighten this dark world.

Father, let your Blood flow freely.

To wash away their sins.

Cleanse away unrighteousness.

And seal each heart and mind.

In the name of Jesus.

I pray for those you call.

For destiny will call them.

To do what is your will.


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