My First Love

 My relationship with the Lord, is my number one priority.

It defines who I am as a person and as a vessel that is meet for the Master's use.

I can have everything on the earth, but if I don't have Jesus, I have nothing.

The Bible says... what shall it profit a man, to gain the whole world and loose his own soul.

My destiny is not in man or anything pertaining to man.

My life and my time here on earth is surrendered to the Most High God.

I live by the precepts and principles of the Lord.

He alone dictates to me, what I can or cannot do.

My living is led by The Holy Spirit.

I am not my own. 

I am a joint heir with Jesus.

Everything I do, must be a reflection of who HE is in me.

When I stand before the Lord on judgment day, I need to hear Him say, well done thou good and faithful servant.... and not, depart from me, I know you not.

You may not like me....

But understand this my friend...

I was not put here on the earth to be liked by you.

If you like me, praise God.... if you don't, praise God.

I was planted here, to do the will of my Father, who art in heaven.

I must hallow and hallelujah the name of Jesus, 

all the days of my life.

Nothing else matters to me, but HIM.

He is my FIRST LOVE.


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