Lost In Hell

 I sit in my hammock and I close my eyes.

And I worry about the days, that I need to ask why.

I carry so much weight, on my back everyday.

But then I hear the Lord say....

Why don't you learn how to pray....

I cry myself to sleep, because of the pain.

And I think to myself, I am lost and insane.

Loneliness comes, like a thief in the night.

And I close my ears off and I wait for daylight.

I listen to the voices, ringing in my head.

And I give my attention, to what is being said.

Little do I know, that this is the devil's way.

And I neglect to get down, on my knees and pray.

I see the sons and daughters, of the Lord Most High.

As they preach about a Saviour, and how he came to die.

I say in my heart, that time is on my side.

But tomorrow comes quickly and my grave is open wide.

I go deep down in darkness and I scream in dismay.

For the heat in this place, rages with decay.

I feel myself falling and I wonder where I am.

As I try to understand, where is the peace and the calm.

Once upon a time, I lived a life of sin.

And I paid no attention, or invited Jesus in.

I thought when I died, in heaven I would be.

But I never made my bed, on the Cross of Calvary.

Do not be like me and think that time is yours.

For too late will be your cry, when you can't see heaven's doors.

I am lost in hell, but I pray that you be found.

And accept the Lord today, so in heaven, you'll be crowned



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