In Jesus Name I Pray

Father, tonight, I come before you. And I pray from my heart, that when I am going contrary to your way, that you pull me back. I surrender my life and I put it into your hands. Because without you to lead me, I would perish in my way.

Father, I ask you, in the name of Jesus. To watch over me as I go about my day. Clear every pathway, so there be no point of distress. That I will know, that when I seek you, I will find you.

Father, I declare, your Blood over my life. In every situation, be my guide.

I look to you for counsel, in all that I do. Let there be a separation,

between me and everything and every person, that is not in alignment to your word and your will for my life.

Father, I trust you, to see me through everything. Let your hands comfort me, when I need a friend. When I am weak, Lord I look to you for strength. When I feel defeated, help me to remember, that you will never leave me alone.

Father, because of the Cross, my sins are forgiven. And I am forever grateful, for the debt that you paid on my behalf. I know that at times, I make the wrong choice. But help me to rise up, press on and don't ever stay down.

In Jesus name I pray, AMEN


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