Don't Be Like Me

 Why do you want to be like me....

Why should you even care...

What is so different about me, that you do not possess...

I am just like you.

I smile, I laugh, I talk, I cry.

Why do you want to be like me....

I get frustrated so many times.

And to hear me yell, your heart might swell.

Oftentimes I speak my mind.

And that makes others, think I whine.

So... Why do you want to be like me.....

I go through pain and deep despair.

I nod my head, when I am weak with fear.

I labour daily, to unfold the frown.

But in my haste, I often fall to the ground.

So... Why do you want to be like me.....

I struggle morning, noon and night.

To get things right, without a fight.

And when I go to bed at night.

I praise the Lord, I am in His sight.

So.... Why do you want to be like me...

At times I fail to clean my house.

And I run around just like a mouse.

I feel the world upon my back.

And I wish that others can cut me some slack.

So.... Why do you want to be like me.....

I live my life in peace and joy.

And trust the Lord, to know the devil's decoy.

My pray for you, is that you be.

The person you were meant to be.

So... Don't try to be like me.


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