Stay Humble

 Do not think more highly of yourself than you ought to.

The pedestal you put yourself on.

Won't always be strong to take the weight of your pride and arrogance.

What you think you know.

May not be the seeds to sow.

Remember who you are and who you represent.

When words are said.

May you be fed.

When what you hear is for your ear.

Oftentimes you think of you.

But God is saying.

Follow His cue.

You are not to do your will.

For here on earth, it is the Master's thrill.

As you think is who you are.

So glorify Jesus both near and far.

Stay humble friend and swallow your pride.

And learn how to swim.

With the morning tide.

Life on earth is not about you.

But to spread the name of Jesus.

To the sheep though few.

Use the time you were given as wise.

To see through the Spirit.

Every demonic disguise.

If you close your eyes you wil

l fall.

And never would you heed His call.


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