Jacob's Lies

 When we think about Jacob, we think about greed. Jacob was a liar, a cheat, a deceiver. He wanted his brother Esau's blessings

and rights and privilege. His schemes were condoned by his mother Rebekah, because of her love for him. But like every liar, Jacob's lies caught up with him.

He got the blessings from his father, which were supposed to be given to his brother. But even in the midst of the blessings, he had a price to pay. Jacob was lied to and deceived by Laban. Instead of getting the wife he wanted and loved, he got another. The time it took to get his hearts desire were prolonged. He toiled... he laboured..... he fought. He had confrontations with his father in law. He wrestled with the Lord for a blessing that he was not deserving of. He was humbled. 

He own sons lied and tried to kill the son whom he loved, which was Joseph. That same Joseph was a type of Christ. He was the one the Lord used to be a blessing to his brethren and his father Jacob. 

Understand that one lie leads to another. It has a chain reaction. It has consequences. We reap what we sow. Jacob's repentance to the Lord, brought forth Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. His sins were forgiven and forgotten, but he paid a great price. 

Do not think that the wrong choices you make will not have consequences. It will break you into pieces and only God can put the broken pieces back together. Live a life without lies.... because the Holy Spirit grieves when you hurt Him. Be humble. Stand up for holiness and righteousness. Let your tree bring forth fruit and live a life that is pleasing to the Lord. The eyes of the world are upon you. 


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