Get Out Of My Way

 I am worthy of the price God paid. And I don't need you to tell me what I am worth or what I deserve. Since I was born, I felt the pull of the hand of God upon my life. I have loved the Lord all my life and I know in my heart that I can call His name anywhere, anytime, any place... and He hears me.

It is not for you to know or to understand why the Lord chose me to do HIS will. My gift and my calling was not advertised or broadcasted for the world to know. The call of God upon my life is personal and intimate. What my Father and I do together, is nobody's business but our own.

You do not have to support or like or encourage me in my relationship with Jesus. What I do is to fulfill the purpose and destiny that has been set before me. My life is not my own. I belong to the Father and I am led by Him alone. To be in HIS presence is my primary privilege and focus. There is absolutely nothing I want more.

I may not be your cup of tea. I may not be who you think I should be. Who I am is not for you to understand. Do not try to come between me and my Lord and Saviour... because you cannot. Nothing can separate me from Him. Jesus Christ is my everything. If I live, I live in Him. If I die, I die in Him. So whether I live or whether I die, I am with the Lord. 

Get out of my way. Because I will trample you under my feet, in Jesus name. You are already defeated and do

not even own the keys to your own house... which is hell. You will forever be a substitute and a failure. I will always rise and be more than a conqueror because greater is HE that is within me than he that is in the world.


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