Be Wise

 Naked I came into the world.

Naked I shall return.

I brought nothing when I came.

I take nothing when I leave.

Everything I possess here on earth is temporary.

It has been loaned to me but for a time and times.

The Scripture says...

What shall it profit a man if he should gain the whole world and loose his own soul.

Can I give anything in exchange for my soul....

Can I bargain with the Lord.....

Can I presume to think I might perhaps sneak my way into heaven through the back door....



Jesus is the door to heaven.

No man comes to the Father but by Him.

Do not fight for things on earth that you cannot carry with you on your way out.

Fight to store up treasures in heaven.

Fight for those things which are above.

Fight for what is permanent.

Fight for heaven's bed of lace and fine white linen as your raiment.

Everything is taken away after a day has passed.

Be wise.


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