Within My Soul

 Why do you love me? Why do think that I am worthy of your love? Where is it written that my heartbeat is better than someone else's or my eyes can see only beauty? 

Do you look beyond my outer core and see the woman I am on the inside? Do you see the ME that no one else can see? Do you see the tears behind the smile or the scars upon my back? 

I am grateful for your love. I am grateful for your affection. But if what you have to give to me is only able to beautify the outside, then please.... offer it to someone else. Someone who might be more inclined and interested in getting half a loaf.

I am not bound to accept.. nothing... when I am worth so much more. I deserve the best. I deserve a love that is unconditional and beyond my wildest imagination. I will not settle for anything less.

While there are moments of weakness, perhaps you convey a chance of hope. A chance of belonging. But t

here are no longer chariots of fire hungering for understanding or communication within my soul, for you. 


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