Grapes In The Desert
You have sown the wind and you will reap the whirlwind. A vessel where you will find no pleasure, is what you will have. Like a wild ass, you will be all alone. For you have separated from the fold.
You hired lovers, when I should have been more than enough for you. I gave you all I had but yet you turned your back on me. You discovered me, but chose me not.
My heart is broken. My tears are falling like pouring rain. So many letters I have written unto you, but you counted them as a strange thing. So many people spoke to you on my behalf, but your ears had no salve to hear their words.
Is Egypt so much the longing of your heart? Don't you know that there is nothing but hardship there for you? Do not fall in love with a reward upon every cornfloor. Do not throw away the bread I baked for you with all my love.
I long for you to see the grapes in the desert. I long for you to drink from my cup. I long for you to come into my arms and let me hold you tight.
Return to me, my love. Return to me. Let my smile light up my face once more. Do not let tomorrow come and you are far away. Return to me, my love. Return to me.
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