The Power To Choose

 You can be alone and still be the happiest person in the world. You can be enclosed by iron walls in a prison. And still be free and filled with peace. You can be surrounded by a million people. And yet, you are the loneliest. You can be at your lowest. And still stand tall.

You can feast on pigs pulse every single day. And still be healthy. You can drive an old, rundown car. But still get to your destination. You can be dressed with tattered rags. But still be clothed with the finest apparel. You can be a broken vessel. But you can still sing.

You can be living under your hat. But your home is the finest castle. You can sit on the hard, rough floor. But your seat is your throne. You can have freckles and wrinkles and spots on your face. But you will always be beautiful. You can be hungry. But you are never starving.

On this journey called life. Your happiness is not dependent upon others. You are the holder of the keys to your own heart. You are the one who sees beauty in your purpose. You are the one whose ears hear, what is a blessing and what is a curse. You are the one, responsible, for the peace in your heart. 

Your prison can become a paradise. Your despair can be a time of rejoicing. Your words can strengthen. Your life can be a legacy. Where you go.... What you do.... Who you are.... Depends on YOU. You have the power to choose. You can be a slave to your circumstances. Or you can be free... in the midst of your battlefield.

Be wise. Be the best YOU, you can ever be. 


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