No VIP Section

Sometimes we take for granted the blessings we are given each day. The air we breathe. The bones that make our flesh move. The table that is set before us and the clothes on our backs. But in the blink of an eye, everything can be taken away. We can be struck down by sickness and become incapacitated. Our lives and limbs hangs on a balance. Our lives become transformed in front of our eyes... and there is nothing we can do about it.
While we are taking a breath in... Someone else is exhaling their last. While we are complaining about our jobs.... our homes.... our families.... our positi

on... our clothes and food.... Someone, somewhere, is longing and crying for what we have. Out perception of wealth and riches become so warped, that all we focus on, is money and things.
At the end of the day, if you have peace of mind... love in your heart... and the presence of God in you... You have all you need. Do not ever think that wealth and status makes you rich.... because you will always be poor, with that mindset. There are those without, who are much happier than you. Do not look down on anyone. Because your roles may be reversed one day. Be humble. Be content. When God blesses you, learn to share with others and be a blessing to them. You might be the only one that the Lord chooses to make a difference in someone else's life. 
Remember that in the grave, there is no VIP section. There is no bell to ring for service. Out of the dust you came. To the dust you shall return. 


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