Live Today

 Let the word of God, be a burning fire, shut up in your bones..... Why are you always thinking about tomorrow? Why can't you focus on just living your best life today?

The Lord has set before you, the way of life and the way of death. Oh inhabitant of the valley. Oh rock of the plain. Choose wisely this day. Do not let your house become a desolation.

Strive to be a Gilead. With power and might and authority. So that you might not return to your native country.....  back to Egypt. Back to bondage. Back to the wilderness and a dry, desert land. Back to being

a basket of very naughty figs, that cannot be eaten.

Arise! Let the voice of mirth. The voice of gladness. The light of the candle. Be your forever guide. Let your rising enwrap therein, every footpath and destroy every mountain.

Do not let the slumber of your beating heart, bring forth laziness in your walk. Let not your heart be troubled. Satisfy yourself with goodness. Refrain yourself from weeping. Comfort yourself in the presence of hope for a better day. Live today, as if it is your last. Let today be shouted as being worth the living. Know that your ending will be better than your beginning.


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