An Introverted Quasimodo

 There is a side to me, you will never know. You are not invited into the realm of my heart, to participate in who I will forever be. I was created equipped to be an overcomer of all obstacles, that might stand in my way. You will never be allowed to see the woman I am, behind the veil. 

Where I go, you cannot go. What I do, you will never do. You may envy me. You may hunger to BE me. But you cannot ever be ME. I have untapped potential within me, that you have never dreamed of. Though you shoot me with your arrows... you can never penetrate the walls of protection, that is my shield and my fortress. 

While you purpose in your heart and mind, to overshadow my strength with weakness.... know that failure will be your companion. Every day, I will rise. Every day, I will carry my briefcase of hidden treasures, where you will never find it. It is forever locked and concealed, with the Master's golden key. I will reign in the everglow of satisfaction and victory. While you feast from the dust of the earth. 

While you mock and while you scourge. I will walk on green pastures. In the intrigue of your desire to slay me. I will forever be an olive tree, planted on a solid foundation. Though the winds come, I will never be shaken. My candle will continually burn, to light my way... While darkness will be your shadowed companion. I will sing a new song. I will dance in freedom. But you will always be,

an introverted Quasimodo.


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