
The Pages Of Passion

 Do you judge uprightly, Oh son of man? Do you take confusion and declare you can stand? By the footsteps on your path, do you lay a snare... Like the first ripe plum, that you cherish so dear? Are you as merciful, as the God you serve? Do you speak with authority and grant what is deserved? Are you a fair weathered friend, where wickedness dwell.. When adversity comes, can your neighbour foretell? Do you hunger for wisdom, to speak to the wind? To stand and declare, you will no longer sin? Your habitual frown, is it as white.. To cut asunder, every evil in sight? What manner of glee, is set upon your heart? Where the fixings of mercy, is absent of smart.. Do clouds in array, clothe you with grace? As the souls of the dying, cry out in pace.. Where do you go, in times of distress? Who do you lean on, when your life becomes a mess? The God of heaven, hears every word.. On the pages of passion, their voices are heard.

I Walked Through The Exodus

 I am going on a journey, to a far distant land.. To launch out in the deep and do the best that I can. To touch one lost soul and share the good news.. By the power of the blood, to kneel at the pews. I purpose in my heart, to see far and wide.. To savour every morsel and to swim with the tide. An adventure it will be, to the sights I will see.. To shout from the rooftops, at last I am free. I walked through the Exodus, many lonesome mil es.. I fed upon tables, all dressed up in wiles. Through battles and in tears, I persevered by faith.. To see the manifestation, of the God who made me wait. I pray with every breath, to hear the sweetly sounds.. Of birds making melody, where grace forever bounds. My bags are all packed and my angel sets ablaze.. The glorious splendor, of the sunset in my gaze. Oh what rejoicing, in heaven there will be.. When praises unto Jesus, intertwines with me. I bow in deep surrender, to the owner of my heart.. For with gratitude and honour, I am given a new st

My Love On The Cross

 You say you love me, but disobey my commands.. You reject my offer, to be blessed by demand. Your eyes look upon, the wealth of this world.. As the company of the foolish, dangle you and twirl. Your words are cheap and not seasoned with salt.. Quicker than lightning, they easily bolt. Fried are your senses and blazing with glee.. Your thoughts of my kingdom, will not belong to thee. Confessions are made, till death do you part.. In boundless faith, though your smiles depart. My love on the Cross, are the silver you hoard.. Destined for failure, for wealth is your god. Today I am your Saviour, but tomorrow I will judge.. From the vials in heaven, I will hold you no grudge. What you sow, you will reap.. Your bed you will keep.. Happily ever after, are for those whom I seek.

What Is Written In God's Word

 Labour not, to be a rich man.. For someone else, might do better than you can. Make no friendship, with slothful fools.. For the path you will take, will be your enemies tools. As a man thinketh, so is he.. So fill up your mind, with wisdom to see. Rise up each morning and bow down in prayer.. For the righteous speaks, to an anointed ear. Flee from the company, of unruly men.. For those who are chosen, come out from the den. Purpose in your heart, that all would be well.. So the treasures you store up, will be stories you can tell. The seeds that you sow, must be on good ground.. Watered from the river, where grace can be found. Set in your heart, the instructions of the Lord.. For your destiny will take you, where obedience is your sword. Fret not yourself, when surrounded by your foes.. For you will forebear, while they quake in their toes. Surely in the end, well done will be heard.. Only if you covet, what is written in God's Word.

The Beauty Of An Old Man

 The beauty of an old man, is the grey upon his head.. It is naught to look down on, but with wisdom to be fed. Mercy and truth, are the tapestry of life.. And the blueness of their bones, is the honour for a wife. Every way on their path, is decorated with gold.. In the secret of their salt, lies the words they were told. The fares of understanding and the garment that they wear.. Divides what is inherited and the swords they might fear. In the corner of the house top, rests the weary old head.. For awaking at the sunrise, are the cares to be fed. They are chartered by the Lord, to launch out into the deep.. To reap a mighty harvest and not lay broken as they sleep. The old men are vessels, to pour into the young.. To train and admonish, all the songs to be sung. Their dwelling is a haven, as the temple of the Lord.. So thorns and snares, are destroyed with their sword.

He Never Fails

 Christ in me, is the hope I seek.. Wherever I go, I am humble and meek. Each day I arise, to take up my place.. For I need the Lord's strength, to run this race. Wayfaring folks, they come and they go.. Like forget-me-not, I plow and I sow. Though the harvest is ripe, the labourers are few.. But with God's own grace, I will get more than a few. Likened to the prize, of the call of God.. I take up my cross and I trust in the Lord. Hidden in my heart, are His promises for me.. So I count myself worthy, that I am set free. Rain and sun, snow and hail..  I know my God, will never fail. His words are spoken, to the depth of my soul.. Like a rushing wind, I will reach my goal.

Who I was

 My relationship with Jesus, is my number one priority.  Absolutely nothing is more important than that. I am consumed by the presence of the Lord, every single day. Without Him, I am nothing. Who I was, I am not now. Where I have been, I travel there no more. Looking back is not an option. Looking ahead, is where I am going. My needs are supplied and my heart is full. The road I am walking, God is with me on. Refined like pure gold, is my life and my soul. Today I can say, the Lord is my ultimate goal. Neither fame nor fortune, can turn me away. For my constant companion, is a table prepared. I eat and I drink, from the vine of my King. Tomorrow will come and I will shout and sing.