Jericho Road

 As faithful as time, I am loved by the Lord..

A humble servant, redeemed of God.

I wear my status, through the Blood of the Lamb..

United and free, like Gilead's balm.

Often enough, I fall on my path..

As troubled times, is as a painter's art.

Weary and broken, I crawl on my knees..

For the hem of His garment, my eye sees.

Knowledge is power, so I get up from the ground..

Though bruised and battered, my pledge is sound.

If all I can do, is stretch forth my hand..

I know my Jesus, will give me strength to stand.

How can I speak, of the weight that I bear..

When the cross on the hill, took away my fear.

Jericho Road, will ever echo a sound..

That the Son who died, is who I found.

An oracle of prayer, in my heart I give..

To the Lord who hears and determine I live. 

Forever and ever, Jesus will be..

My God who died, to set me free.


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